Easy Steps Showing You How To Bunny Hop On A BMX

Bunny hopping is a bike trick that allows you to clear obstacles without having to dismount your bike. It’s a useful skill to have if you’re into BMX riding or mountain biking. While it may look difficult, bunny hopping is actually not that hard to learn. With a little practice, you’ll be able to execute this move like a pro in no time!

In this article, we’ll show you some easy steps on how to bunny hop on a BMX. Just follow these instructions and before you know it, you’ll be impressing your friends with your newly acquired skills!

Easy Steps Showing You How To Bunny Hop On A BMX:

If you want to learn how to bunny hop on a BMX, then you’ve come to the right place! This guide will show you a few easy steps that will help you master this essential BMX move. With a little practice, you’ll be pulling off big air tricks in no time!

Step One: The Setup

The first thing you need to do is make sure your bike is properly set up for bunny hopping. This means having the right tires, handlebars, and seat height. Once your bike is ready to go, it’s time to start practicing!

Step Two: The Takeoff

When you’re ready to take off, start pedaling hard and then pull up on the handlebars. As you lift your front wheel off the ground, tuck your knees in close to the frame. This will help you get more air and make it easier to land the trick.

Step Three: The Landing

Once you’ve taken off, it’s time to focus on the landing. As you come down, start to level out your bike and prepare for a smooth touchdown. Keep your weight over the center of the bike, and try to land with both wheels at the same time. If you can master these steps, you’ll be bunny hopping like a pro in no time!

Step Four: The Trick

Now that you know how to take off and land, it’s time to put it all together and do the trick! When you’re ready, pedal hard and pull up on the handlebars. As you lift your front wheel off the ground, tuck your knees in close to the frame. Then, as you come down, start to level out your bike and prepare for a smooth touchdown. Keep your weight over the center of the bike, and try to land with both wheels at the same time. If you can master these steps, you’ll be bunny hopping like a pro in no time!

What is Bunny Hop?

Bunny hop is a technique used by BMX riders and other extreme cyclists to jump over obstacles. The bunny hop is performed by pedaling hard to gain speed, then quickly lifting the front end of the bike off the ground and swinging the rear end around. This maneuver can be used to clear small gaps, climb over barriers, or simply show off your skills to friends.

How to Bunny Hop:

With a little practice, anyone can learn how to bunny hop on a BMX. Here are some easy steps to get you started:

1. Find a smooth, flat surface to ride on. You’ll need some speed to perform a bunny hop, so pedaling hard is a must.

2. Approach your obstacle and position your bike directly in front of it. You want to be sure that you have enough clearance to get the front end of your bike off the ground.

3. Start pedaling as fast as you can and pull up on the handlebars to lift the front end of the bike off the ground.

4. As the front wheel comes up, use your legs to push the rear end of the bike around and over the obstacle.

5. Land safely on the other side and ride away!

With a little practice, you’ll be hopping like a pro in no time. Just remember to always ride safely and use caution when attempting new tricks.

Things to Consider Before You Bunny Hop on a BMX:

Bunny hopping is one of the most basic, yet essential skills to have when riding a BMX. Not only will it make you look cool, but it will also allow you to clear obstacles that may be in your way. 

Before you attempt to bunny hop on a BMX, there are a few things you need to take into consideration:

-Your bike: Make sure your bike is the right size for you and that it’s in good condition. A BMX that’s too big or too small will make it difficult to bunny hop, and a bike that’s in poor condition is more likely to break or cause an accident.

-Your clothing: Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that won’t restrict your movement. Avoid baggy clothes or anything that could get caught on your bike.

-Your environment: Choose a safe place to practice, away from traffic and other hazards. A smooth, level surface is ideal.


In conclusion, bunny hopping is an essential BMX skill that can help you get over obstacles, and look really cool while doing it! Practice makes perfect, so keep at it until you’ve got it down. Then you can show off your new skills to all your friends. However, don’t get too cocky- remember, safety comes first! Now that you know how to bunny hop, go out and practice! Soon you’ll be hopping like a pro. 

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